Weather Ready: Winter Storms

Are you prepared for the next winter storm? Take these steps to keep your family safe and comfortabl...

Winter outage safety tips

Planning can often be the difference between life and death. Cass County Electric is ready for what ...
You can't always know when a power outage will hit, but you can take a few precautions to be ready.
Cass County Electric Cooperative encourages hunters to be aware of electrical equipment while enjoyi...
When considering which generator to buy, decide what you can’t live without when the power is out.

Look up for hazards on the farm

Cass County Electric Cooperative urges you to also watch for electrical hazards around the farm or r...
Many novice electric vehicle (EV) owners and those interested in plug-in cars wonder what will happe...
Many homes have older wiring systems. The question is, are older wiring systems a safety hazard? Cas...