Our Office: 4100 32nd Ave. S. Fargo, ND 58104

Heating Assistance

Stay warm and worry less with our heating assistance program!

If you are having trouble paying your electric bill, please contact us at 701-356-4400 or 800-248-3292 as soon as possible to let us know.

In most cases, we can work with you by setting up a payment arrangement as well as connecting you for help from the following agencies:

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program

The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) helps eligible low-income families with home heating costs.

The program partially pays the cost of natural gas, electricity, propane, fuel oil, coal, wood, or other fuel sources.

The program also covers:

  • Weatherization services (insulation, weather stripping around doors and windows, etc.)
  • Furnace cleaning, repair, and replacement
  • Chimney cleaning and inspection
  • Emergency assistance

For more information, visit the State of North Dakota Human Services website, or call 866-614-6005.