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Driving in a work zone is overwhelming for drivers and can cause a lot of headaches, especially if an accident arises. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, during the past five years, 4,400 people died in work zone crashes, and more than 200,000 people were injured. Cass County Electric Cooperative does not want you to end up part of those statistics. Here are some work zone safety tips to follow the next time you are driving in a work zone.

Safety Tips

Dedicate your full attention to the roadway

Follow other vehicles at a safe distance for the posted speed

Avoid changing the radio station, using a mobile phone, eating, or other distractions.

Workers may be present just a few feet away.

Look, read and obey the signs.

Change lanes only where pavement markings indicate, and only as traffic conditions permit.

Keep an eye on brake lights of vehicles ahead of you

Keep an eye on workers, work vehicles, or equipment that may enter your lane without warning.

Watch traffic around you and be prepared to react.

If you have daytime running lights great! If not, it is good practice to turn on your lights with your car, eliminating the chance that you might forget.

Merge well before you reach the lane closure.

Check the North Dakota Department of Transportation website for road construction if planning to travel out of your normal range.

Be aware that traffic patterns can change daily.

Be prepared to leave your home a little earlier if there is a specific time that you need to arrive at your destination.


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