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You've upgraded to high-efficiency LEDs throughout your home. Now you can just sit back and bask in the glow of lower energy bills, right? Well, there are few more things you should do to optimize your savings.

1. Flip the off switch

Even high-efficiency bulbs waste energy lighting empty spaces just not as much. Turn off lights when you're the last one to leave a room, or when no one is at home. Occupancy or motion sensors turn lights on and off automatically and may make sense in areas that are rarely visited, such as storage rooms, the garage or outdoors.

2. Let the sunshine in

Take advantage of natural light during the day by opening blinds, shades and other window coverings. Sunshine is free, it provides excellent light to read or work by, and it can help improve your mood. If you're renovating, consider skylights or other design options that will optimize daylight.

3. Install dimmer switches

Dimming the lights makes for a warm and cozy atmosphere for eating dinner or watching a movie. It can also save you money. Reducing the intensity of light in a room saves energy. Make sure your dimmer switch is compatible with your bulb or fixture.

If you haven't made the switch to high-efficiency LEDs, now is a great time to do so. ENERGY STAR®-certified LEDs use up to 75% less energy than conventional bulbs, and they last much longer. You'll not only save energy, you'll save time changing out new bulbs, too. Why not start saving today?