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Cold-climate heat pumps

Your perfect winter accessory

Have you heard the old rumor that air-source heat pumps just can’t keep up with the extreme cold in our neck of the woods? Times have changed, my friend – cold-climate heat pumps (CCHPs) are now the hot-ticket item for every North Dakota home.

CCHPs take the design of an air-source heat pump and kick it up a notch. They integrate a variable speed drive compressor into the technology, keeping CCHPs highly efficient even when the thermometer hits zero. In fact, they’ve been given higher heating season performance factor (HSPF) ratings than standard air-source heat pumps.

Just how efficient are CCHPs?

  • When temperatures drop below 47 degrees, CCHPs can run at 400% efficiency.

  • At zero degrees, they still perform at 200% efficiency.

  • Some companies even say their models remain efficient at as low as 20 below zero.

  • Research has shown that CCHPs have been able to supply 90% of a home’s heating needs with a 250% overall seasonal efficiency. That’s pretty great, and it will save you a lot of money – especially with the volatile pricing of propane and natural gas these days.

Cass County Electric Cooperative (CCEC) also offers a huge rebate and a reduced electric rate if you install your CCHP on the off-peak program. All you have to do is include a backup fuel source for the times when electric demand peaks – usually around 100-150 hours a year.

The added bonus of a CCHP is, like a standard air-source heat pump, the unit also provides your home cooling in the summer. The process is the same whatever the season. The heat pump pulls heat out of the outside air and pushes it inside in the winter, and pulls heat out of your home and expels it outside in the summer. Your house remains consistently comfortable during any wild Midwest temperature swings.

Contact CCEC today to learn how you can save big and stay warm with a cold-climate heat pump!


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