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How Does Smart Home Technology Save Energy?


Smart home technology isn't energy efficient on its own, but it can help you be more efficient and save money.

Smart home technology is highly convenient, putting control at your fingertips through your smartphone or at your beck and call with a voice assistant. It can also make adjustments for you, without you having to even think about it.

Smart devices and hubs send and receive messages to optimize usage settings and reduce waste. For instance, smart thermostats can sense when you're away or in bed and reduce heating and cooling use.

Smart lights can be turned off remotely, or on a schedule, to prevent waste. Smart appliances have sensors inside to end cycles when the job is done without using more energy than necessary. Devices connected to smart plugs can have their power cut when not in use, saving you up to $100 a year in wasted energy from devices in standby mode.

If you let it work its magic, your smart home can reduce waste and save more energy than you could without automation. That's why they're called smart.


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