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Let’s beat the peak together

CCEC launches pilot program to help members save money

As a Cass County Electric Cooperative (CCEC) member, you know how to make smart energy choices that help you save money. But did you know that when you use electricity can be just as important as how much you use?

Throughout the day, energy use fluctuates based on consumer demand. On CCEC’s system, most households use more significant amounts of electricity in the morning when most people are getting ready for their day, and in the evenings, people return from work, cook dinner, wash clothes, and watch television.

These times when people in our community are using more electricity simultaneously are called “peak” hours. The cost for CCEC to provide power is higher because of the additional demand for electricity.

By shifting some of your energy use to hours when demand is lower, also known as off-peak hours, you can help keep rates lower for you and your fellow members.

There are many ways to save energy and money by making minor adjustments to your daily routine. Here are a few easy ways you can shift energy use to offpeak hours:

  • Adjust your thermostat. Lower the thermostat a few degrees during peak hours during the winter months.
  • Wash full loads of clothes in cold water during off-peak hours.
  • Run the dishwasher right before you go to bed, or airdry dishes by opening the dishwasher instead of using the heated dry cycle.
  • Turn off lights and electronics when not in use. (Try to make this a daily habit, whether during peak or off-peak hours.)

CCEC is currently seeking volunteers interested in participating in a Time-of-Day rate pilot project. Participants would receive on-peak and off-peak pricing for energy consumed during different hours of the day.

  • On-peak - Monday through Friday 6-9 AM and 5-8 PM at $.222 per kWh
  • Off-peak - All other hours at $.052/kWh
  • The current electric rate is $.089/kWh

Ideal candidates currently do not participate in our off-peak program. Contact Todd at 701-356-4400 if you have questions about the program.


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