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Local Electric Co-op Directors Achieve National Recognition Certificate

The fifth guiding principle of cooperatives is education, training, and information. Education and training for members, elected representatives (directors/trustees), CEOs, and employees help them effectively contribute to the development of their cooperatives. Communications about the nature and benefits of cooperatives, particularly with the general public and opinion leaders, help boost cooperative understanding.

Kalvin Hoff from Cass County Electric Cooperative recently received the Credentialed Cooperative Director certificate from the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA). The NRECA Credentialed Cooperative Director program requires attendance and demonstrated understanding of five essential competencies.

Thomas Seymour from Cass County Electric Cooperative recently received the Board Leadership Certificate from NRECA. The Board Leadership Certificate recognizes individuals who continue their professional development after becoming a Credentialed Cooperative Director. Directors who have attained the Board Leadership Certificate have completed ten credits in advanced, issues-orientated courses.

An ever-changing business environment has imposed new demands on electric cooperative directors, requiring increased knowledge of changes in the electric utility business, new governance skills, and a solid knowledge of the cooperative principles and business model. Cass County Electric Cooperative commits to work through NRECA to sharpen this body of knowledge to benefit their electric consumer-members.

Picture: Kalvin Hoff (left) and Tom Seymour (right)

Kalvin Hoff
Tom Seymour