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Look up and live

Power lines are part of our landscape – most of the time we don’t even notice they are there. With the sun in your eyes, trees in your line of vision or your focus on something else, you may not see how close you are to power lines. However, failure to notice high-voltage power lines can be a deadly oversight.

Cass County Electric Cooperative encourages everyone to always remember to look up and around you. Follow these guidelines as you prepare to work on the farm or outdoor projects this year:

• Always be aware of the location of power lines, particularly when using long tools like ladders, pool skimmers, and pruning poles. Be sure to lower your long equipment when you are moving it. Carry ladders and other long items horizontally whenever possible.

• Be careful when working on or around your roof—installing rooftop antennas and satellite dishes, installing or cleaning gutters, or doing repair work. Never go up on the roof in windy or bad weather.

• Be especially careful when working near power lines attached to your house. Keep equipment and yourself at least 10 feet from lines.

• Never trim trees near power lines—leave that to the professionals. Never use water or blower extensions to clean gutters near electric lines. Contact a professional maintenance contractor.

• Never climb trees near power lines. Even if the power lines are not touching the tree, they could come in contact when more weight is added to the branch.

• Never fly kites, remote control airplanes or balloons near power lines.

• If you get something stuck in a power line, call Cass County Electric Cooperative to get it.

• Don’t touch anything that may be touching a downed wire, such as a car.

• Keep children and pets away.


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