Our Office: 4100 32nd Ave. S. Fargo, ND 58104

December Operation Round Up

Press Release

Members are helping members.

For less than $1 per month, you can make a difference in your community. Participation is simple: Your monthly electric bill is rounded up to the nearest dollar, an estimated average of $6 per year. You can see a summary of contributions on your January electric bill. A volunteer board meets quarterly to distribute the funds used primarily within Cass County Electric Cooperative’s service area for charitable, educational, environmental, and emergency assistance purposes. The funds are never used for political purposes or utility bills.

December 2023

Applications reviewed
Organization - 19
Individual - 0
Emergency - 0

Applications approved
Organization - 18 $59,100.00
Individual - 0 $0
Emergency - 0 $0

Applications denied
Applications tabled

2023 year-to-date summary:

Per member average contribution - $5.41
Average member participation - 79.4%
Total applications approved - 81
Total income - $220,327.96 (Includes contributions, interest earned, and donations/memorials.)
Total contributions (1993-present) - $4,170,294.89


Featured recipient:

Fix It Forward Ministry: $4,000

Fix It Forward Ministry’s goal is to remove the transportation barrier for the most in-need members of our community, thus helping them become independent and selfsufficient. First, by providing free car repairs to needy individuals to help keep their vehicles on the road and safe. Second, by repairing donated vehicles and providing them to disadvantaged members in our community who do not have a vehicle or whose vehicle is beyond repair.