Our Office: 4100 32nd Ave. S. Fargo, ND 58104

Were you one of many children who was told by a parent, “Turn off the lights when you leave the room! Our electric bill will be sky-high!”? Although switching off the lights is great advice, your lighting actually accounts for a very small percentage of the energy your home uses every month.
According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, space heating is the largest user, consuming an average of 43% of a household’s energy. Water heating comes in a distant second, using 19% of your home’s energy.
Here's a breakdown:
• Space heating: 43%
• Water heating: 19%
• Air conditioning: 8%
• Lighting: 5%
• Refrigeration: 3%
• Other appliances and
electronics: 21%
Since heating your rooms and water uses the most energy, that’s the best place to start if you’re looking to lower your monthly utility bills. Here are some suggestions from CCEC to get started.
Home Heating Savings
• In the winter, turn your thermostat down to 65d egrees (if comfortable).
• Don’t block inside vents or outside units.
• See if your heating system qualifies for CCEC's off-peak heating program, which can save you nearly 50% on heating costs through the cold season. If you’re not sure, ask the folks at the co-op!
Water Heating Savings
• Make sure your water temperature is set to 120 degrees.
• Use cold water for standard laundry loads.
• Install a large-capacity electric water heater and enroll in the off-peak water heating program.Not only will you receive a large co-op rebate(up to $700), but you’ll also receive a reduced electric rate on your water heater, which will warm water at low-demand times of day (usually overnight) and keep it hot throughout the day.
Learn more about off-peak heating and water heating at https://www.valueofelectricity.com/