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Lake Bars

Submitted by Tim Sanden, VP of Information Technology

1 c. white sugar
1 c. Karo syrup
1 c. Creamy peanut butter
4 c. Rice Krispies
2 c. milk chocolate chips
2 c. butterscotch chips

In a large kettle on medium heat, add the syrup and sugar and heat long enough to dissolve the sugar, don’t let boil. Once the sugar is dissolved, add the peanut butter and mix thoroughly. Stir in the Rice Krispies. Place mixture in buttered 9x13 pan. Do not press down, rather spread out to sides of the pan. In a microwave-safe bowl add the milk chocolate and butterscotch chips together and slowly melt in the microwave. Mix and spread on top of the bars. Let the bars cool. Cut and enjoy!
