Safety and education are two core principles that electric cooperatives are built upon. With that, it is also important for us to keep our members safe and educated on industry topics that can impact homes and businesses.

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Plant with a plan

Spring is considered the best time to plant a tree. But no time is a good time if you don’t have a p...
Long hours and fatigue are a constant battle for farmers during planting season. Review these tips t...
These indoor air pollutants can cause serious health issues. Learn how to reduce your risk of exposu...
We all think it will never happen to us, but it can, and in an instant. Here are a few steps to take...

Do your part. #BeCyberSmart

The first thing you should do when you receive a link from an unexpected text message is to slow dow...
Disasters often come with little or no warning. With some planning, you'll be better prepared to kee...

Look Out for Scams

Utility scams often involve an individual or group posing as an employee of your electric cooperativ...
GPS with auto-guidance provides farmers with real-time location data about a field, which can be use...
Summer is the perfect time to evaluate the safety of your home’s electrical system. Outdated wiring ...
Fact or Fable? Lightning Never Strikes Twice. Find out the answer in this story!
No matter where you live, your home will experience power surges, and surprisingly, they are a commo...
We advise members to consider where they plant new trees. While a sapling may seem fine where it’s p...
The average U.S. household contains 28 electronic devices, according to the Consumer Electronics Ass...
A good night's sleep, with no waking up in the middle of the night, can be best achieved at a temper...

Let the Digging Begin!

Power outages caused by damage to underground cables increase in the spring and summer. Call 8-1-1 b...
Are your employees current with their electrical safety habits?
How much do you know about electrical safety? The answer may shock you.