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Selecting the right tree and right location for planting

The right tree planted in the right place can add natural beauty to any landscape, but a tree in the wrong place can become expensive to maintain and even dangerous. Cass County Electric Cooperative encourages everyone to learn more about the benefits of tree planting and selecting the perfect tree for the right place in your yard.

When considering placement, select a planting location that will not interfere with utility lines both in the air and underground. Tree branches can interfere with overhead power lines, and roots can do the same with underground utilities.

Power outages or interruptions occur when trees and branches come into contact with overhead lines. Electrical arcing and sparking from a wire to a nearby branch can cause fires.

Tall growing trees with a mature height of greater than 40 feet should be planted at least 50 feet away from lines to avoid future pruning. A mature height of less than 25 feet is recommended if planting near lines. Keep in mind, trees should never be planted directly under power lines, near poles, or too close to electrical equipment.

Trees growing near power lines must be pruned to maintain a safe distance from the wires. If you have trees that are growing into power lines, contact your electric provider. Never try to prune them yourself. Before the tree planting begins, make sure to call 811. The 811 “Call Before You Dig” campaign is a free service that locates and marks your public underground utilities.

Make sure to call a few work days in advance of any digging project to give ample time for a professional to locate these utilities. There are different colors of paint and flags that mark each underground utility: electrical, gas, water, cable, and telephone lines, which can all be found beneath the earth.


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Selecting the right tree and right location for planting