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At Cass County Electric Cooperative, we ask you kindly to stay away from pad-mount transformers (the big green box). While safe, they are not meant for touching, climbing, or playing. Pad-mounted transformers carry high voltages of electricity that serve many homes in our communities. We have four tips to keep you safe around the ‘big green box.’

1. Never touch, climb, or play on pad-mounted transformers. Never put fingers, sticks, or other objects through cracks in the transformer. 

2. Keep areas surrounding the pad-mounted transformer clear so that workers can safely maintain transformers as needed. Keep shrubs and structures at least 10 feet away from the transformer doors and 4 feet away from sides.

3. Never dig near a pad-mounted transformer. They are surrounded by underground cables. Hitting the cable could result in an electrical shock or disruption of service. Remember always to dial 8-1-1 before you dig!

4. Report problems. If you notice anything amiss, like an unlocked transformer, warning stickers missing, or one that has been damaged, please contact us immediately! If you hit one DO NOT try and move it back call Cass County Electric Cooperative.

Kid playing soccer near big green utility box